Marilyn Hageman

May 16, 1944 ~ January 13, 2015
Marilyn Nolte Hageman, age 70, of Lawler, Chickasaw County, Iowa died January 13, 2015 at Winneshiek Medical Center in Decorah.
The cause of death was Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, which was diagnosed in February 2013, and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia which was diagnosed and treated repeatedly since 1996. There will be no local services.
Marilyn was born on May 16, 1944, at the New Hampton, Iowa hospital. On June 11, 1966 she married Leonard Hageman in Waucoma, Iowa. Marilyn was an employee of the Turkey Valley Community Schools for over four decades, retiring in 2006. She served in a host of educational roles throughout her career, but none as important as working with students.
Survivors include her husband, Leonard; a daughter, Dr. Kathy Hageman of Atlanta, GA; a son, Dan (Chris) of Charles City, Iowa and their three children, Nick, Caleb, and Rylee.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Alois and Catherine Korzendorfer Nolte.
Marilyn also wished that no memorial contributions be given. Instead, she asked that friends and family support their local school in any manner possible-from donating to volunteering, from supporting student activities to meeting classroom needs, from attending parent-teacher conferences to attending graduation, and to contributing to the breadth and depth of their education.
My deepest sympathies to Marilyn’s family. I had the honor of working with Marilyn while I served as elem principal at TV. Marilyn often encouraged me through some difficult times as a new ‘deer in the headlights’ administrator. She made every meeting better, as she always pushed to make sure the learning opportunities for teachers were of high quality. She asked the tough questions, because she never wanted students to settle for less than the best. She was tireless in working with students before and after school. She was truly an outstanding teacher and person, and she will be greatly missed. Lisa MIller
Marilyn was a gifted teacher in the instruction of the English language. As a grad student she read and edited my final paper for my masters thesis. I got to know her as a fellow teacher and friend. She was one in a million. My deepest sympathy to you.
Ms. Hageman was an awesome teacher who made learning fun. She was hilarious and had a great gift in how she taught. She will be missed. Nancy Reicks-Kiflemariam – TV-Class of 79
Kathy and Dan, keep your mom’s amazing spirit alive in your lives. I think of you often as I read your mom’s posts. She spent so much of her time with her career, as I read all these wonderful, touching testimonials, I realize again how gifted & caring an educator she was. Her drive inspired me to be a better professional teacher. She made each of us feel like a special friend. She’s a true matriarch of our extended Turkey Valley family. We were so lucky to be a part of her life. Kathy Larson, Klemish, Croell, Turner
My sympathies to Marilyn’s family. She was my favorite teacher in school. I’ll always remember her witty personality, her smile, and kindness. She made learning fun. I not only respected her, also admired her broad knowledge and her teaching skills. Much of what she taught myself and others has influenced us as adults in everyday life. How fortunate we were to have her at Turkey Valley. So many years later while I worked at Fareway and she would be grocery shopping, we’d always make a point of visiting for a few moments to reminiscence about the good ol’ days at school and share our opinions on solving world problems. Oh how she touched so many lives!! She will not be forgotten. Heaven has gained a great angel. No more pain and are free and at peace. Irene (Schmitt) Frantzen Class of ’74
I have many fond memories of Marilyn when I taught at TV from 1976-1993. Such a wonderful teacher, co-worker and friend! Hold her memories close… thoughts and prayers are sent your way….God bless!!! Carolyn Bollman Waverly, Iowa
Marilyn Hageman was a inspiration to many. She was very passionate about teaching and I have always respected her for that. I am grateful that I was fortunate enough to be a student of hers. My thoughts and prayers are with Marilyn’s family and friends.
Marilyn Hageman was a great teacher at Turkey Valley. She was a very nice person. I really enjoyed her as my teacher! Lorraine Armbrecht Class of ’77
Marilyn helped people with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) around the world by serving as one of the volunteer list managers of the CLL List of ACOR (Association of Online Cancer Resources). I’ll miss her sense of humor and generosity of time and spirit, among her many outstanding qualities. My sincere condolences to her family, friends, and the many students whose lives she touched.
It seems like only yesterday while looking at the black and white photo of marilyn, Jane and myself at my parents house in front of a 59 Ford ,arms together as three cousins of a same age. The praises of the former students is testimony of the impact and positive influence instilled in the young formative minds of the students. Marilyn left her mark in the world by her words and actions that will live on by those she taught. May you rest in peace. Your cousin George Nolte
I enjoyed the years I worked with Marilyn in Northeast Iowa Education Unit and ISEA activities. Many years ago we had a great trip to St. Louis to attend an NEA Midwest Regional. Many students and teachers benefited by Marilyn’s commitment to education. Thank you to her family for sharing her. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Pam Schmidt
GOD BLESS. Mrs. Hageman made school fun. She treated all students with kindness and made us all feel like we had potential. Heaven gained an awesome teacher. Marjie Phillips Kleve. Class of 1977
My deepest sympathy,Leonard and family!!My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Robert Kuennen lit a candle in memory of Marilyn K Hageman
I called her Mrs. H, like Mrs. C from Happy Days. She was one of my favorite teachers with such a booming laugh. She always gave you her undivided attention. What a blessing she was. Godspeed Mrs. H. I’m sure you’ll be teaching up there as well. Barb Galligan Havens (class of ’81)
Wow! Heaven has gained one amazing lady…. May you rest in peace with an endless supply of chocolate….
I was so sorry to read that Marilyn passed away. We worked together for several years in the Northeast Iowa Education Unit in Fayette, IA. She was an advocate for education, students and teachers in Iowa. May she rest in peace.
To the Hageman family, our prayers go out to you. Marilyn was one of the best teachers I ever had in school. She made learning fun. Blessings to all of you. Dave & Marge Mayo (son of Bob Mayo)
I would like to express my sympathy to Mrs. Hageman’s family. You have lost a great one. You have sacrificed so much over the years as I know she gave so much of her time to her students. Like many, every time I have a writing task, so much of what she taught me helps to put out a quality product even if it is just a Christmas letter or a paragraph for an annual report. In fact, I even edited this post because I knew she would have handed it back to me with unnecessary words crossed out in red. As I just pulled out my dictionary to double check a word, I heard her crazy laugh. Mrs. Hageman always challenged us to be the best that we could be and I didn’t want to let her down here! In Mrs. Hageman’s last Caring Bridge post she left us with Mae West’s quote: You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. Mission accomplished! May Marilyn enjoy eternal rest just as soon as she is done indulging at the big chocolate fountain in the sky.
Mrs. Hageman was the BEST! I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have used what she taught me to write papers in college and in my professional career. I used to proof read hundreds of papers in college, because other students didn’t know how to write like I did. They never had a ‘Mrs. Hageman’ in their life. To this day, I still proofread countless papers and articles for a wide variety of people. Everytime I do, I think of Marilyn. She taught me so much, and as a result, I teach and help so many. Thank You, Mrs. Hageman, for helping to shape me into the person I have become. You truly are the BEST!! Enjoy the eternal rewards of heaven!! My deepest sympathy to Leonard, Dan, Kathy, and Ron. May your memories of Marilyn be a blessing to you as you mourn her passing. God bless you all.
John and carol Kout purchased the Arrive in Style for the family of Marilyn C. Hageman.
Dear Leonard, Kathy and Chris, I doubt if any of you know me. I am one of Marilyn’s many cousins. I am very saddened to hear of her death. I remember her fondly from wrestling with her as a small child, to the annual family picnics, to having her as a teacher in high school, to her critiques of some of my homilies when visiting back home. I very clearly recall of how deeply she was saddened at the death of her Mom, my dear Aunt Katie. I will have a mass in her memory. Peace, Your cousin, John Dietzenbach
Marilyn Hageman – one of a kind as a person, a teacher and a friend. She was a pleasure to work with at Turkey Valley. I know she inspired many young people and Turkey Valley was very lucky to have had her for a teacher all those years. Always a smile and a good word for everyone. Karen Schmitt
Mrs. H…thank you for shaping so many lives with not only your teaching; but with your heart, smile, that laugh I will never forget, and your kindness. You were more than a teacher, your students were your kids and your friends. You live on in spirit because you made the world a much better place. You fought the fight…now rest. Just know when I think of you, I see your smiling face and always will. Thank you!
Marilyn was truly one of a kind — so trite to say but so true. Her perception, her sense of humor, her understanding of people were invaluable. Her going leaves a large hole in the lives of family and friends. Farewell, Marilyn, and thank you.
Mrs. H is the reason I am a teacher today. Through educating me, she continues to educate the bright minds of the future. We will never forget you, and will love you forever. Melissa Port
Honestly, Mrs. Hageman is the reason I am in the career I am today. She was so encouraging, but yet demanded so much of her students. For that and so much more, she will forever be my favorite teacher at Turkey Valley. A tremendous lady who will forever be missed! Thank you for everything Mrs. Hageman!!
Mrs Hageman was one of my favorite teachers. She encouraged all students and always had a smile.
Marilyn was one of a kind person. I believe she has touch every person that knew her in some way. She was a favorite teacher of mine and also taught my children. She always refered to me as ‘Wilma’ from the Flintstones! Always got a kick out of that. I was truly grateful she was a part of our last class reunion by writing down some thoughts, memories, & words of wisdom for us all to share. It really touched home! You may have been taken from us, but I will always remember you. Your own words ‘ 10-4 good buddy’..till we meet again
I remember Mrs. Hageman as a friend as well as a teacher. After one particular writing assignment, she sat down with each of us to talk about what we had written. That in itself shows that she took her job seriously. While I spoke, her eyes never wandered, which made me feel like I had something important to say. Every student deserves to feel that way, and I am grateful she always did that for me. Wendy Hackman Andera
Mrs. Hageman was at the top of my favorite teachers list in high school. She was funny, kind, encouraging and brought out the best in her students. Although I haven’t seen her since I graduated over 20 years ago, I have thought of her many times over the years and I am very sad to hear that she has passed away. My thoughts are with her daughter, Kathy and the rest of her family at this time. Blessings to all of you and know that there are mourners all over the world remembering her bright spirit. I know I’ll never forget her. Diane Galligan Fitz, class of ’88
Marilyn had a way of getting out potential of a person they never knew they had. Every time I critique something my children wrote or said, I think of how she pushed me and made me push to work harder
Mrs. Hageman was my teacher in the 70’s and made a difference in every child’s life, because she cared and had a heart of gold. There will never be another Mrs. Hageman. How fortunate we were as Turkey Valley students to have her as our teacher. Deepest sympathy to her family. Pam Hadacek Shores Class of ’77
Mrs. Hageman was a wonderful teacher. One of our assignments was to interview someone who had lived through the Great Depression. I interviewed my grandpa and grandma who lived on our farm. They took the assignment very seriously and wrote down notes so as not to forget to tell me anything important. I still have those handwritten notes. They are precious. And so was Mrs. Hageman.
Bob/Rose Otters lit a candle in memory of Marilyn K Hageman
Marilyn was truly an amazing woman. She always had a kind word and that laugh of hers was one of a kind. The world is going to be a little darker without her presence. My sympathy to her family and brother. Delbert and Peg Franzen
Mrs. Hageman is one of the best that ever taught at Turkey Valley- She impacted every student she had. She brought out the best and pushed people to make them better. She was so friendly and personable. She cared about students and wanted them to be successful post highschool and to DREAM BIG. She was a mentor and role model to so many. When I became a teacher, my respect for her grew even more. She always wanted to know how former students were doing and would great you with the big golden smile. She was a gem! Our deepest sympathies to the family. Pat and Barb Schwamman
Mrs. Hageman was one of the best teachers I ever had. I learned so much from her, especially in College Prep Writing. To this day, I still cannot start a sentence with the word ‘it’. You could tell she loved to teach and that she truly cared about her students. How blessed the students of Turkey Valley were to have her in our lives. My sympathy to her family on the loss of a great woman. Faye Schwamman Hansen Class of ’78
Give him heck in heaven, Marilyn! Will miss you! Thanks for sharing your talents, your passion and friendship with so many of us. My prayers and thoughts to you Leonard, Kathy, Dan and Ronny!
Mrs. Hageman was more than a teacher. She was a mentor and a friend. I’ll never forget the conversations and laughs we shared in the late nights of working on the school newspaper. She inspired many students and challenged us to be better people. She will be missed!
Mrs. Hageman—-Truly a special person both in and out of the classroom.–Thank you for always caring for each of your students and always a greeting when meeting you in and out of the classroom. Deepest sympathy to her family. Kathy Arens
I had the honor to work with this wonderful woman.The pride she took in her job and the kids was truly a blessing.She will be missed. Heaven gained on heck of an angel. God Speed DeeDee Sternat
She was one if the best teachers. Always there for the students. She hardly ever got mad. Always smiling…. She will be missed by many people
Mrs Hageman you were one of a kind. A tough teacher but one who really cared deeply for all her students. And when you are long gone from TV and you would meet her on the street she always had a big smile and hello or even a hug for you. I truly enjoyed her. God will guide you safely home Marilyn.
I had Mrs. Hageman as a teacher in the mid to late 90s. She was an amazing teacher who cared deeply for her students’ education and their well-being. I don’t think it would be incorrect of me to say that she saw potential in everyone and gave her students a chance when most others would not. She truly inspired us to be our best. If there is one thing I am sorry of, it’s not getting the chance to thank her for being awesome. Mrs. Hageman, you will be missed. I can only hope my two children will have amazing teachers at some point in their education as you were.
I will always remember Marilyn as a great teacher and relative. My prayers and thoughts go out for her and to her family.
Audrey Emery said it all when she wrote ‘She truly inspired us to be our best!’ Forty plus years I remember her as one of my best teachers ever! Bernie Zahasky Beecher class of ’69
I remember Mrs. Hageman as a gifted and hard-working educator, who worked in a group of very fine educators. I am sorry to hear of her passing. Randy Mihm Turkey Valley Class of 1975
I remember Marilyn as the List Manager who helped me when I was having difficulty with the CLL Digest website. I was shocked to learn that she had been diagnosed with ALL. I am so sorry to learn of her death. My condolences to her family. Sincerely, Pam Peterson
I knew Marilyn was destined for greatness when she would sit in the seat behind our bus driver and neighbor, Bill Burke–and there they would be, discussing world events and other philosophical matters. We have lost one more beloved classmate from the Class of 1962. Sincerest condolences to her family. ROSE MARY (Hackman) KNOX
One day I though I would be a writer in some way, shape or form, because I caught the bug from Mrs. Hageman in my English classes with her and in doing book reports. I still may get something published someday and I will owe that, in part, to her. The only thing I didn’t care for was when she made us read ‘The Red Badge of Courage’ and watch the movie. SNOOZE FEST. I disliked that book/movie with a passion and she knew it! Just the other day I was watching a tv show that referred to someone ‘throwing up’ on their copy of ‘The Red Badge of Courage’ and I immediately thought of Mrs. Hageman! Thanks for the great teaching years and being loud and boisterous in all of life! Lori (Neuzil) Golka, TV Class of 1977